Backup & Security

Virus and Malicious Software Removal

Viruses, spyware, malware and ransomware are dangerous pieces of software that have the potential to cause great harm to your business. Contact us if your computers or network are running slowly, programs will not run properly, your computer is loud or there are suspicious pop-ups. We’ll thoroughly clean your system and help you safeguard your system against attacks.

Remote Backup

Our remote backup can be customized to back up as much or as little as you desire. Your information is then mirrored in two data warehouses to ensure it can restore even if one center goes down. The data warehouses incorporate Biometric Security along with Security Surveillance to ensure the highest level of security for your backed up data.

Penetration Testing

As incidences of data breaches increase, security is more critical than ever. We’ll identify the weak spots in your system and help you find ways to eliminate them.

Disaster Recovery Planning

We’ll work with you to develop a plan and train your employees on how to quickly recover from any kind of disaster, including fires, floods, data breaches and loss of key personnel.

24/7/365 Monitoring

Through the use of software and trained IT staff at Eagle Secure Solutions, we can determine if a problem exists and how to solve the issues on your network before they become bigger problems. We make recommendations on what obstacles may occur on your network by evaluating your current usage of the network, then educating you on the cost and benefits of the services and hardware that will enhance your business so you may effectively budget your IT growth.