COSTARS* is the Cooperative Purchasing Program established through Pennsylvania’s Department of General Services (DGS).  Member organizations are publicly funded, including municipalities, school districts, public authorities, non-profit educational or public health institutions, non-profit fire or rescue companies, and other entities that spend public funds on supplies and services. The members, by law, are normally required to go through a bidding process to purchase goods.  However, COSTAR suppliers, like Eagle Secure Solutions, have been vetted and approved as direct suppliers, bypassing the bidding process.  In addition, members may choose suppliers on criteria other than price during the selection process through COSTARS.  This allows members to have more control and authority over their projects.

The DGS estimates that organizations spend approximately $3600 every time they post a bidding opportunity.  A bid process may take several weeks and often involves advertising and legal fees.  Member organizations using COSTARS suppliers can spend that money on their projects instead.  Using a COSTARS supplier saves money, time, and frustration.

IT equipment must often be properly configured and installed, not just procured.  Pennsylvania also has a Master ITQ contract through which vendors can offer services in addition to hardware.  Eagle Secure Solutions is approved for IT services through the Master ITQ contract. By working through these contracts together, our clients can get the equipment needed, configured properly, and installed without having to work through multiple vendors.

Due to the COSTARS contract, Eagle Secure Solutions has been able to work with several local municipalities and agencies. We have been a procurement source for quality IT equipment through COSTARS since 2018.  We pride ourselves on understanding what local agencies need to function well and meet the needs of the people they support.

Are you interested in learning how Eagle Secure Solutions can work with you through the COSTARS contract?  Click here to find our contract on the COSTARS website.

PA COSTARS Contract #003-E22-582
PA COSTARS Supplier #39101

Membership information:

If you are interested in becoming a member of COSTARS, you can check out the Member Eligibility Requirements here.  It is free for you to join.

*COSTARS stands for Cooperative Sourcing to Achieve Reductions in Spend.